Mia Lou und Annabelle

Oktober 20, 2016

Mia Lou und Annabelle

We did it! Don't miss this next two weeks of annabelle magazine. You will find Mia Lou in the Beauty News. 


mia lou beauty news annabelle


Mia Lou is my story and the story of many women living in hectic times joggling between family, friends, and job. When colouring your hair became a stressful adventure between hair salon appointments and do-it-yourself frustrations plus the growing pressure of grey hair … I decided to take a hands-on approach and developed a concept that gave me both: high quality hair colouring like in the salon with the beauty of being at home.

Mia Lou’s vision is to make women feel better and just-a-little-bit more beautiful.

We are very thankful and proud to be mentioned in annabelle, it is a further confirmation that what we are doing is right!

Enjoy your day and colour your life :-) 

With love,
Maria Luisa