Take the 30 minutes you spend with our paint today to experience relaxation even after your vacation and time off. We hope that you feel comfortable and allow your body to relax - to prepare, you can choose music that you like to listen to and have it ready -.
Find a comfortable place and sit or stand. It is important that your feet touch the floor and that you do not need to tense or hold on to your stomach or other parts of your body. Did you find this place? Good.
Then it starts.
First notice your breath. Where in your body can you feel it, experience it? Maybe in the throat or on the abdominal wall? Maybe you experience your breathing in your feet or at the tip of your nose. Give yourself a moment of observation - without wanting or not wanting anything - just perceive what is.
pay attention to the quality of your breathing: how is your breathing? Fast or slow, calm or excited? Maybe you've just been running and that's why you're still breathing quickly? Observe whether your breathing is shallow or deep. What do you perceive?
Imagine you are in your favorite place (perhaps the place on the beach, in the beach chair or in the SPA, next to your child, with your partner at the aperitif, or or or).
You know where you would like to be now. “Beam” yourself there in your thoughts and spirit and experience how your body relaxes with the idea, how your breath can sink deeper into the body, how more space is freed up for the breath and for warmth and relaxation. Enjoy this space and breathe deeply in and out.
If this is difficult for you, notice the sounds and smells that surround you right now. For example, notice how your body expands as you breathe and releases air again as you breathe out. Experience the wave movement created in your body by breathing. Enjoy these ups and downs for which you don't have to do anything. Just be there. And perceive. ON - OFF - ON - OFF; the breath comes and goes all by itself.
Observe your breath in your body for a few more breaths and experience how the breath fills you more and more. And how with breathing more and more relaxation and pleasant feelings can be perceived in the body.
And if you feel like it, put on some music and dance the moment with your body. You can do this while sitting, for example by moving your hands to the music, or you can slowly stand up and move in and through the room. Continue to feel your body, the warmth, the joy and - if you like - continue to imagine your favorite place. Dance in the moment - without judging. Just be in motion. Just like that… without it having to be a “great” dance or a performance for someone else. It's your moment, your time to feel good. EnJOY. ;)
I hope that I was able to help you experience a moment of relaxation, a little piece of vacation. Arrive well in everyday life and enjoy your wide, deep breath and the fresh (maybe new?) color.